Inline tag extraction

Extraction of inline tags lets the user to extract either the whole tag or a tags attribute.


The detection of hard-coded string will work differently, depending on the configured inline-tags


If the inline tags are configured, they will be detected as hard-coded strings and can be extracted, otherwise, not detected.

Supported sources

The behavior for this feature will differ from source to source and how it treats inline tags

Blade and Twig

Both of these sources will apply escaped formatting on the tags


<!-- When extracting the string below -->
    Links: <a href="">Twitter</a> | <a href="">Google</a>
<!-- The string with inline tags is escaped -->
    {!! trans('language-file.linksTwitterGoogle') !!}


<!-- When extracting the string below -->
    Links: <a href="">Twitter</a> | <a href="">Google</a>
<!-- The string with inline tags is escaped with the raw filter -->

Not supported sources

Vue - Not supported yet

PHP and JS - These sources have no concept of inline tags, but are dealing with strings, thus there is no configuration and inline tags are considered the same as regular strings.