YAML for localization

Key/value is the only supported format

key: Value
another_key: 'Another value'
extracted: 'Extracted string will be added like this'
extracted_single_word: Extracted
    nested_key: 'Nested keys are also supported'
multiline: |
    'An explicitly multiline strings
    will be extracted like this.'


Configure formatting at the IDE level in Preferences | Editor | Code Style | YAML.

Unsupported formats

Request support at i18n-ally@lokalise.com.

Arrays are not supported

    - 'One value'
    - 'Arrays are NOT supported'

Translations nested after a different key are not supported

Nested translations are only supported if they start from the root. In the sample below, the translations are after a different key which is not supported.

    non_translation_key: true
    key: 'This is NOT supported, because i18n Ally calls it like `translations.key` while the app would use just `key`'

It is still possible to extract strings into complex structures of YAML and examples like the above, but it is not supported, because some frameworks parse language files differently, e.g., Ruby on Rails i18n API with the locale as the root key.

Complex structures within a key are not supported

    translation: 'Complex structure per key is NOT supported'
    notes: ''