PHP arrays for localization

Single array definition per file is supported

Returning an array is supported


return [
    'key' => 'Value',
    'another_key' => 'Another value',
    'extracted' => 'Extracted string will be added like this',
    'some_key' => [
        'nested_key' => 'Nested keys are also supported',
    'multiline' => 'An explicitly multiline strings
        will be extracted like this.'

Array assignment is supported


$lang = [
    'key' => 'Value',
    'another_key' => 'Another value',
    'extracted' => 'Extracted string will be added like this',
    'some_key' => [
        'nested_key' => 'Nested keys are also supported',
    'multiline' => 'An explicitly multiline strings
        will be extracted like this.'


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Unsupported formats

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Appending to an array is not supported


$lang = [];
$lang['key'] = 'Value';
$lang['another_key'] = 'Appending to an array is not supported';

Only the latest array definition is supported

$first = [
    'key' => 'This array definition will be ignored',

$latest = [
    'another_key' => 'Only the latest array definition is supported',

Translations nested after a different key are not supported

Nested translations are only supported if they start from the root. In the sample below, the translations are after a different key which is not supported.


return [
    'metadata' => [
        'non_translation_key' => true,
    'translations' => [
        'key' => 'This is NOT supported, because i18n Ally calls it like `translations.key` while the app would use just `key`',

Complex structures within a key are not supported


return [
    'key' => [
        'translation' => 'Complex structure per key is NOT supported',
        'notes' => '',